Draft 06 to Draft 07


JSON Schema Draft 7 builds upon Draft 6 by introducing new validation and annotation keywords, refining conditional validation capabilities, and clarifying core behaviors. These changes improve schema expressiveness and usability while maintaining backward compatibility with Draft 6.

This guide will help you understand the new keywords and behaviors introduced in Draft 7 for better transition.

Keyword changelog

Keyword(Draft 6) Keyword(Draft 7) Specification Keyword type Behavior Details
$schema $schema Core Identifier Change in the dialect (Uses the latest Draft7 dialect).
not present $comment Core Reserved location The $comment keyword was introduced for internal comments, requiring a string that must not be shown to end users and has no impact on validation. Worked as annotation in Draft 6 but now works as a keyword in Draft 7.
not present if validation Applicator The if keyword was introduced, requiring a valid JSON Schema; instances must validate against then if if succeeds, and against else if if fails, with if validation always succeeding on its own.
not present then validation Applicator The then keyword was introduced, requiring a valid JSON Schema; it succeeds if the instance validates against both if and then, and always succeeds if if is absent or fails.
not present else validation Applicator The else keyword was introduced, requiring a valid JSON Schema; it succeeds if the instance fails if and validates against else, and always succeeds if if is absent or succeeds
not present contentEncoding validation Annotation The contentEncoding keyword was introduced to specify that a string instance should be treated as binary data, requiring a valid string value for encoding.
not present contentMediaType validation Annotation The contentMediaType keyword specifies the media type of instances defined by the schema and must be a string; it is ignored if the instance is not a string.
not present readOnly validation Annotation The readOnly keyword, set to true, indicates that the instance value is managed by the owning authority, and modifications by applications will be ignored.
not present writeOnly validation Annotation The writeOnly keyword, set to true, means the value is not retrieved from the authority but can be sent for updates or creation.


Migration Steps

1. Update the $schema Declaration

Replace your Draft 6 schema declaration with the Draft 7 identifier:

Before (Draft 6):

2  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#"

After (Draft 7):

2  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"
2. Incorporate the $comment Keyword (Optional)

If you want to include inline comments for documentation purposes, use the $comment keyword:

2  "$comment": "This field is deprecated and will be removed in the next version."
3. Implement Conditional Validation with if, then, and else

Draft 7 introduces conditional validation, which allows schemas to specify different validation rules depending on whether a condition is met.


2  "type": "object",
3  "properties": {
4    "age": { "type": "integer" }
5  },
6  "if": { "properties": { "age": { "minimum": 18 } } },
7  "then": { "properties": { "canVote": { "const": true } } },
8  "else": { "properties": { "canVote": { "const": false } } }

Explanation: If age is 18 or higher, canVote must be true; otherwise, it must be false.

4. Utilize contentEncoding and contentMediaType for String Data Interpretation

These keywords help define how string instances should be treated:


2  "type": "string",
3  "contentEncoding": "base64",
4  "contentMediaType": "image/png"

Explanation: The string must be base64-encoded and represent a PNG image.

5. Define readOnly and writeOnly Fields

These annotations help define whether a field should be modifiable or retrievable.


2  "type": "object",
3  "properties": {
4    "username": {
5      "type": "string",
6      "readOnly": true
7    },
8    "password": {
9      "type": "string",
10      "writeOnly": true
11    }
12  }

Explanation: username is read-only (cannot be changed by clients), while password is write-only (cannot be retrieved once set).


Migrating from JSON Schema Draft 6 to Draft 7 is mostly seamless. The key updates include:

  • The introduction of $comment for internal documentation.
  • New conditional validation keywords (if, then, else).
  • Enhanced support for string-based data with contentEncoding and contentMediaType.
  • Read/write permissions via readOnly and writeOnly.

These adjustments helps you take full advantage of the improvements introduced in Draft 7 while ensuring compatibility with existing schemas.

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